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What is Pantomime
acting without words to tell a story
What is Confilct
the problem or obstacles a character must overcome, often a struggle or problem
What is Freeze
-a verbal command given by the director to stop the dialogue and movement in a scene
What is Role
-playing-trying on the role of others or assuming the part of another person in society
What is 1. Decide who you are, what you want, and your relationship to the other characters
2.Communicate your character through your actions and dialogue 3.Stay in character. Do not laugh or drop character by becoming yourself again 4.Pay attention, listen carefully to what is being said and done so you can continue the scene 5.Keep the dialogue going by avoiding “dead-end” words or repeating the same phrase 6.Avoid “yes” or “no” answers and look for a way to end the scene 7. No physical contact between actors
Name 3 Rules of Imporvisation
What is a Mime
the silent art of using body movements to create an illusion of reality
What is Protagonist
the major character of the story
What is Antagonist
the character opposing the protagonist
What is Improvise
to ad-lib or invent dialogue and actions without a script or rehearsal
1.Be considerate of the people seated near you and the actors
2.Do not distract anyone by talking or making noises 3.Do not speak the lines aloud or sing along 4.Give the actors your full attention 5.Do not shout or whistle 6.Do not leave your seat or stand up 7.Silence or turn off your cell phone 8.No pictures, flash photography or recording during the performance
List 4 Rules of Audience Etiquette
What is Rising Action
events leading up to the climax
What is Falling Action
events that occur after the climax leading to the resolution
What is Dialogue
the conversation between actors on stage
What is Audience Etiquette
appropriate audience behavior at a theatrical event
1.Be considerate of the people seated near you and the actors
2.Do not distract anyone by talking or making noises 3.Do not speak the lines aloud or sing along 4.Give the actors your full attention 5.Do not shout or whistle 6.Do not leave your seat or stand up 7.Silence or turn off your cell phone 8.No pictures, flash photography or recording during the performance
List 4 Rules of Audience Etiquette
What is Exposition
detailed information revealing the facts of the plot, beginning of story
What is Resolution
conflict is resolved, problem has been solved and it is the end of the story
What is Curtain
a verbal command starting or ending a scene
What is Scene
a short situation to be acted out with beginning, middle, and end.
1. Decide who you are, what you want, and your relationship to the other characters
2.Communicate your character through your actions and dialogue 3.Stay in character. Do not laugh or drop character by becoming yourself again 4.Pay attention, listen carefully to what is being said and done so you can continue the scene 5.Keep the dialogue going by avoiding “dead-end” words or repeating the same phrase 6.Avoid “yes” or “no” answers and look for a way to end the scene 7. No physical contact between actors
List 4 Rules of Improvisation
What is Climax
turning point in the action of a play/story
What is Breaking Character
losing concentration or getting out of character
What is Improvisation
a spontaneous style of theater/acting using unrehearsed and unscripted acting scenes
What is Dialogue
the conversation between actors on stage
What is Antagonist
the character opposing the protagonis
What is George Washington Bunny
In a comic book, Warner Brothers character Bugs Bunny revealed that his real name.