Primitive Man | Greek Theater | Rome/Medieval/Renaissance | Black Theater | European/Shakespeare |
Who is Thomas Murdock?
Our theater art teacher
Who is Dionysus?
The god of all growing things
Who is nobody :D (Anonymous)?
The person who wrote "Everyman"
Who is Lorraine Hansberry?
First black woman to have a full length play on broadway (A raisin in the sun)
Who is Andre Antoine?
Created a members only theater club to avoid censorship called "Theatre Libre"
What is myth & ritual?
A theory that says theater is developed from
Who is Archon?
He supervised the festivals & would tap the wealthy for donations
What is the most famous Comedia Co.?
Gelosi Co.
What is "The Blacks"?
A play by Jean Genet which uses the same techniques as Ward's "Day of Absence"
Who is Stanislavski?
Developed the method style of acting influenced by Sax Meiningen
What is written language?
Primitive man is defined as a society without...
What are the three playwrights of Greek Theater?
Thespis, Aeschylus & Sophocles
What is a Miracle play?
stories with saints and martyrs
What is the Federal Theater Project?
An organization directed by Hallie Flanagan in the 1930's
What is soliloquy?
An actor alone on stage expressing inner most thoughts & feelings
(true/false) Denouement is another name for complication?
Who is Arion?
He was the first known to write down a dithyramb and give it literary meaning
What was the Numachiae?
Sea battles which would flood the colosseum
What is the African Grove Company?
James Hewitt organized this company in 1820
What are 3 sources Billy took his story line from?
Stories made from history, myth and legends
What were the Pyramid Texts?
The earliest recorded form of a play. Ex: "Abydos Passion Play" about the story of Osiris. These plays were done to ensure the well being of the Pharaoh
What is the structure of a Greek Tragedy?
A story following a prologue, parados, episode and exodus
Who are Plautus and Terence?
Roman dramatists who wrote comedic plays which survived
What is The Toilet & The Dutchman?
Two plays written by Leroy Jones that was instrumental in starting the black theater movement
What are 3 ways Billy's plays were classified?
Comedy (midsummer night's dream), Tragedy (Romeo & Juliet), and History (Julius Cesar)