Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chaypter 13 | Chapter 14 |
What is Sugar Loaf Mountain?
This is the mountain Chief Phillip told the boys about
What is a metaphor?
"Charlie felt smaller than a beetle" is an example of what device?
What is bammy and warm milk?
Tommy and Johnny got a nice meal of ------ when they arrived at mocho village
Who is Tommy's father?
"People are bravest when they are afraid and still do their duty"
What is the abeng?
They used this to call for help from the other maroons
Who are the redcoats?
Charlie was held captive by them
What is a canoe?
It is mqde from one large cotton tree with rushes inside to keep it clean
Who is Captain Dick?
He is the war captain
What is simile and metaphor?
"And yet, my two little roosters walk through the forest like two foolish ducks..." are examples of what device?
What is simile?
"To the boy the captain seemed like an angry giant..." is an example of what device?
What is a musket?
The boys stole theae from the redcoats and hid it to use in the war against them
What is Starapple Gully?
This is the only place the maroons could trap the Redcoats and hinder their swivel guns is
Who is John?
This is the first scout they boys met from the Mocho Maroons
Who is Captain of the Redcoats?
"We shall loosen your tongue"
What is personification?
"It was as if the earth had swallowed them." Is an example of what device?
What is a rescuse for Charlie?
The boys had to do this before the moon rises
Who is Chief James?
"We can't tell what he may do when he is made to suffer pain." Was said by
What is brass?
The redcoats' buttons were shiny and made of this metal
Who is Johnny?
"We can chief, we had a very long rest" said the marpom boy who was eager to travel with the Mocho maroons. He is
What is an ambush?
The maroons usually do not attack, however they mainly