Cotton | Machines | People | Box | Bonus |
What is Bowen Flowers?
Name of the farm in the cotton section
What are Columbia, Indonesia, and Bangladesh
What are the 3 main countries that covert the cotton into yarn?
Where is Colombia and Bangladesh
Where are most of our clothes produced from?
What is a crane?
How to the containers get from the boats to the trucks?
What is Texas?
What US State produces the most cotton?
What is 90%?
The percent of cotton is genetically modified (GMO) in the US
What is 5 different types
How many different types of yarn were displayed?
What is $68.00 a month
What is the lowest paid clothing industry monthly wages?
What is 11 different costs?
How many different costs are there for one T-shirt
What is 2 Billion?
How many T-shirts are sold annually?
What is 880 Pounds?
The amount of bales of hay the United State Agricultural Department tested in 2013
What is 5 Machines
How many machines were shown in the video?
What is collapsed
What happened to a Bangladesh factory in 2013?
What is $12.00?
How much does it cost to make 1 mens T-shirt
What is $1,400
On average how much does every american household spend on clothing
What is 13 people?
The number of people that the cotton farm employs
What is $35 Million
How much does the factory cost to run?
What is 4 Million People
How many people work in the clothing industry in bangladesh?
What is 50 to 100?
How many employees are usually employed in the boat
What is India
What country produces the most cotton fabric
What is 9.4 Million?
The amount of tee-shirt that are produced from the one cotton farm in 2013
What is 6 miles
The amount of miles that go into a single tee-shirt
What is Hong Kong, China
What country/city had the highest monthly wage in the garment industry?
What is 82,880 Jockey T-shirts?
How much can 1 container of T-shirts
What is 10%?
What % of global carbon emissions does clothing production account for?