Vocabulary | Facts about Mary Mother of God | Famous Quotes | Words that describe Jesus | Miscellaneous |
What is Original Sin?
The sin by which the first humans disobeyed God
What is the Annunciation?
The Angel Gabriel proclaims Mary to be the "Mother of God"
Who is the Angel Gabriel?
"Greeting, favored one! The Lord is with you ... You will conceive in your womb a son and you will name him Jesus"
What is a Redeemer?
The word means to "pay the price" Jesus was given this title because He had to pay the price for Adam's sin against God.
Who are Mr. Williams kitty cats?
Mahatma-Marvin and Virgil
What is the Hebrew word for Lord ?
The Hebrew term is "Adonai"
What is the Visitation?
Mary travels to Nazareth see her cousin Elisabeth to tell her she is with child.
Who is the Virgin Mary?
"Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word"
What is a Savior?
The Hebrew name for "Yeshu's" means "God saves" Jesus was given this title because he saved us from the powers of evil
What is 2 1/2 years?
Mr. and Mrs. Williams have been married
What is the Incarnation?
Comes from the Latin word "in+carne" means "into the flesh"
What is the Magnificat?
Mary praises God, " My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior"
Who is Jesus?
" I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"
What is a Messiah?
The word means "anointed one"
Who is U2?
Mr. Williams favorite musical artist
What is Hypostatic Union?
The mystery of Jesus' divine and human nature in one divine Person, Jesus
What is Theotokos?
Greek word meaning "God Bearer" or "Mother of God"
Who is Joseph?
In a dream he is told "Son of David, do not be afraid, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit"
What is a Liberator?
The word mean "to set someone free" and the Church has given Jesus this title
What is basketball?
Mr. Williams favorite sport
What is Atonement?
by his suffering and death on the Cross, Jesus freed us from our sins and brought about our reconciliation with God the Father
What is the "Perpetual Virginity of Mary"?
The mystery of faith that cannot be explained by medical science regarding Mary and the birth of Jesus
Who is St. Anselm?
He wrote a treatise on "Why Did God Become Human?" which explained that " if one disobeys God only God can set things right. A divine debt requires a divine payment."
What is Lord?
In place of the word "YHWH" the Church addresses Jesus using the word
Who is Michael Jordan?
Mr. Williams favorite basketball player of all time