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What is a site? or What is a building?
Name for an elementary, middle, or high school
What is an associate's degree?
Awarded after two year's of study.
What is a one-to-one program?
Each student is given a technology device for use in classroom and sometimes at home.
What is accreditation?
Process by which a state or federal government determines an institution meets minimum level of quality
What is Professional Development?
This term refers to training, conferences, and workshops that help teachers and admins build their knowledge and skill
What is distance learning?
Modern technology to allow interaction between instructor and student outside of a traditional classroom
What is Common Core State Standards?
Math and English Language Arts standards and methods of teaching that some states of adopted
What is an LMS (or Learning Management System)?
Software used to manage electronic materials and curriculum.
What is ELL?
This acronym is used to describe students whose native language is not English.
What is a University vs. a Private Sector Education institution?
One is a four-year institution usually run by a state and the other is usually a trade, vocational, or 2-year college that makes a profit.