Word Analysis | Fluency | Planning, Organizing and Assessment | Comprehension | Academic Vocabulary |
What is Morphemic Analysis or Structural Analysis?
The process of decoding a multisyllabic word with an affix added to a base word.
What is Fluent Reading?
Accuracy, Rate and Prosody are the three indicators of this type of reading.
What is a Balanced Instructional Program?
This type of program is characterized by the strategic and appropriate selection of what skills should be taught, given a child's level of reading development, which means that more time is devoted to some categories of skills and less time to others (e.g
What is a Think-Aloud?
When teachers assess students ability to apply comprehension strategies based off of what they orally retell.
What is Sentence Structure?
When students learn about subjects and predicates, independent clauses, dependent clauses, and how to avoid writing sentence fragments and run-on sentences, they are learning the proper form of this important writing skill.
What is Syllabic Analysis?
The process of decoding a multisyllabic word by examining the word’s syllables.
What is an Oral Assessment?
This type of assessment best measures fluency.
What is Differentiated Instruction?
In this type of instruction, teachers must make adjustments to meet the needs of individual students or a group of students sharing the same need.
What is Reading Comprehension?
This is measured by a student’s ability to retell what they’ve read and to answer questions about a passag.e
What is Full-Word Knowledge?
A situation when students know more than one meaning of a word and can use it in several ways.
What is Automaticity?
A major goal for young readers is developing _______, the effortless and rapid identification of words.
What is 95%?
To determine a student’s independent reading level, a Running Record or Miscue Analysis must show an accuracy rate of ___ or higher.
What is Organizing Instruction to Meet all Needs of Students?
Flexible grouping, individualized instruction, and whole-class instruction, combined with the use of core California SBE-adopted materials and benchmark, strategic, and intensive groups, is part of this method.
What is Phonics?
The understanding of letter-sound correspondence.
What is Vocabulary?
Focusing on specific high-utility words during interactive read-alouds is a great way to teach this.
What is Decodable Text?
Beginning readers should read often from text that have single syllable, regular words and a highly controlled vocabulary. These texts are known as _______.
What is Self-Corrects?
You can tell that a student is monitoring her own reading when she does this during oral reading assessments.
What are Early Intervention Programs?
These programs focus on young readers having difficulty and try to address reading difficulties at the first possible opportunity by offering individualized instruction or provide intervention in small groups.
What is Comprehension?
Explicit instruction, reading, and writing are three components of this.
What is Academic Language?
This vocabulary includes the language used in textbooks and tests and the language of the classroom, which is more formal than language used in everyday social interaction.
What is a Digraph?
Two letters pushed together to represent one sound are called a ________.
What is Prosody?
Patterns of stress and intonation in language is the definition of this word.
What is Scaffolding?
During reading, teachers provide this kind of support to their students during a new or complex task, including in initial lessons for the whole group, in those that will be used for small-group, or in individualized lessons for students having difficulty
What is Comprehension?
Summarizing, questioning, and connecting are all strategies to teach this skill.
What are Semantic Maps?
These word webs are word maps useful in prereading instruction because they not only teach the meanings of words, but also help children activate their prior knowledge of key concepts associated with the target word.