The Fab Five Feedback Steps Like, what am I SP'osed to do? Do I say or do I no Just a little burning during urination SPotpourri
What is the student's self-assessment
According to the Fab Five Feedback Steps, the SP-student interaction should begin with this
What is immediate
Like the response one gets by sticking their finger into a light socket, SP feedback is best when it is
What is do I no
"Let me begin by telling you what I thought happened."
What is gonorrhea
The condition that Kramer, as an SP, was given to play
What is the perspective of the patient
According to the UCR SOM SP Handbook, SP feedback should be given from this perspective only
What is KISS
The name of a 1970s Rock Band inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014, this word also serves as a mnemonic to remind SPs to keep it short and simple
What is a few minutes
(Un)Like the sand through an hourglass, SP feedback should last about this length of time
What is do I say
“From the patient’s perspective I was caught off guard when I told you how I thought I got this condition and you chuckled.”
What is the haunting memories of lost love
Kramer's symptoms were burning during urination and
What is review the case/role they are to play
Prior to the day of their simulated visit the SP's should do this to prepare
What is reinforce proper behavior
“As the patient I felt a connection when you met my eyes and shook my hand when I held it out” is an example of something an SP would say as part of this step
What are allies
Like the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union during WWII, the SP and the Facilitator are supposed to act as this
What is do I say
“At the point in the interview, when you checked your phone this is what the patient was felt.”
What is lights up a cigarette (or asks for the lights to be dimmed)
Kramer does this to set the mood
What is medical content
According to the UCR SOM SP Handbook, SP feedback focuses on student behaviors and interpersonal skills, but not this
What is offer up referable points
This step immediately precedes the step when the SP turns things over to the facilitator
What is direct observation
Like the scientist does this to collect data, an SP does it to gather information about the student for feedback
What is do I no
"When the patient said he had pain in his left-hand side you should have asked him how long has this been happening."
Who is a coquettish haberdasher
Kramer believes his symptoms started after his liaison with
What is neutral
Like a car when not in gear, when giving feedback SPs should use language that is both specific and this
What is probing for why
"What happened during the encounter that made you feel that way?" is something the SP would ask the student as part of this step
What is reflection/self-reflection
Like looking into a pool of water and seeing your image, one goal of SP feedback is to facilitate this action on the part of the student
What is do I no
"When you asked me, as the patient, how I injured my arm. I assumed you wanted to check for the possibility of an injury on the job even though this was not part of the case."
What is the burning he would feel during urination shortly after they hooked up
Kramer told the medical student that he burned for the haberdasher much like
What is comfortable, purpose, and return/referable point
Used by Johnny Gage and Roy DeSoto as an abbreviation for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, CPR is also an acronym used by SPs that stands for this

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