Fun with the F word Tutor Dos! and Tutor D'ohs! Just LIKE this Hey look! You taught me something Tutor Potpourri
What is the student's self-assessment/self-reflection
According to the Fab Five Feedback Steps, the tutor-student interaction should begin with this
What is a Tutor D'oh!
"Let me begin by telling you what I think you're doing wrong."
What is searching for big/bright ideas
LIKE the lightbulb going off above the coyote's head as he schemes of ways to catch the road runner, a strategy for reading a textbook includes this
What is knock three times
Sheldon's compulsive behavior drives him to do this when arriving at Penny's apartment
What are the senses
According to the UCR SOM Peer Tutor guide direct observations are observations the tutor makes through these
What is agree on a plan
This Fab Five Feedback Step is how the tutor and student should wrap up a tutoring session
What is a Tutor Do!
"Your notes breaking down the chapter you read are well organized."
What is with the conclusion
(Un)LIKE the way to read a mystery novel and enjoy it, you should start a journal article here
What is Henry Winkler’s Heyyy, I’m an Actor
In preparation for his first acting class Sheldon read Stanislavski’s An Actor Prepares, Stella Adler’s
The Technique of Acting, Uta Hagen’s Respect for Acting, and this
What is infer meaning
A student may imply something, but a tutor should never do this
What is reinforce positive study habits
Sharing what the student does well is part of this Fab Five Feedback Step
What is a Tutor D'oh!
"By your lack of organization I can only assume you are totally unprepared."
What is make a plan
(Un)LIKE improvisation in jazz, before studying a student should do this
What are listening and responding
According to Penny, these are the two things improvisation is all about
What is source information
While age is good for things like wine and cheese it is not always good for this
What is offer alternatives
Providing the student with options regarding his/her study habits is an example of this Fab Five Feedback Step
What is a Tutor D'oh!
"You are so freakin' smart! You're gonna ace that OSCE."
What is direct observation
Like the scientist does this to collect data, a peer tutor does to gather information about the student for feedback
What are shoes and frozen yogurt
The improvisational store where Penny works sells these two mismatched items
What is the process
According to the work of Carol Dweck the most effective feedback focuses on this
What is probing for why
Helping the student discover the thought process behind their feelings is part of this Fab Five Feedback Step
What is a Tutor Do!
“That wasn’t your best performance – what do you think we can do better next time?”
What is elicit a response, support student growth, and make a plan
Like Simon Baker and Shaun Spencer used ESP to catch criminals, a peer tutor uses the acronym to do these three things
What is the Camarillo State Mental Hospital
According to Sheldon, the sign above Penny's shop reads this because improv is all about saying yes
What is street cred
Huggy Bear had it with Starsky and Hutch and you have it with the student

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