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What is sculptor?
one who shapes or molds to create artwork
What is coward?
one who is easily frightened
What is explosive?
something capable of bursting with great force
What is immortal?
living forever
What is wary?
feeling caution about possible dangers
What is protest?
to object or complain
What is caution?
careful attention or forethought
What is concentrate?
to focus thoughts or attention
What is gratitude?
the state of being thankful
What is exertion?
with intense energy
What is shard?
piece of shattered glass or pottery
What is oblivious?
completely unaware of something?
What is endanger?
to put someone or something in harm's way
What is fiercely?
intensely or with aggression
What is oblivious?
completely unaware of something
What is aspire?
to aim one's ambition toward a goal
What is reproachful?
showing disapproval of
What is turpentine?
a solvent used as paint thinner
What is blazing?
burning with much brightness and heat
What is aspire?
to aim one's ambition toward a goal
What is delicacy?
physically small or weak, fragile, stepping softly
What is symmetry?
an exact correspondence in position or form
What is materialize?
to come into existence or take bodily form
What is fervent?
a great deal of effort
What is reproachful?
showing disapproval of