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What is manifest?
to create something from nothing, to show or display
What is licorice?
a flavor from a type of dried legume root
What is capable?
having the required ability
What is wary?
feeling caution about possible dangers
What is culture?
a society with its own customs and language
What is recline?
to lean back in a relaxed way
What is lurch?
to stagger or jerk abruptly and uncontrollably
What is harbors?
gives shelter; keeps hidden safely
What is mocking?
ridiculing or poking fun at
What is whittle?
cut small bits from, shave down
What is melody?
sequence of music notes that form a song
What is buoyed?
to keep afloat or lift up
What is mingle?
to blend or mix in with
What is leprosy?
bacterial infection which eats at the skin
What is gesture?
movement of hands to express something
What is sullen?
in a bad mood, defiantly pouty or somber
What is notion?
an idea or opinion
What is fervent?
a great deal of effort
What is billowed?
moved or flowed outward in an undulating way
What is exertion?
with intense energy
What is astounded?
surprised or shocked
What is abiding?
long lasting or enduring
What is trespass?
to go on private property without permission
What is defiant?
full of or showing rebelliousness
What is tattered?
frayed, torn or in rough condition