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What is Eugenides
His father is a royal Minister
In a Sounisian wineshop
Gen unknowingly brags about his exploits to one of the Magus's informers here
What is a comb
This item foreshadows Ambiades's betrayal
What is Sounis
This kingdom needs more land
What is the way he handles a sword
Pol suspects Gen is from Eddis because of this
What is Sophos
His father is brother to a king
What is Eddis
This kingdom has never been conquered by invaders
What is a lunch
Gen gets in trouble for accepting this from the innkeeper
What is Ambiades
This person wants to be wealthy
What is swim
Sophos gets his feelings hurt when the others question his ability to do this
What is Ambiades
His father is a gambler
What is Attolia
Gen is arrested and imprisoned but escapes from this country
What is the emerald ring and Hamiathes's gift
Gen takes these two things from the temple
What is the Magus and Gen - both want to be King's Thief
These two people want the same title
More kind
Gen tells Attolia he prefers serving his current master rather than Attolia because his current master is
What is the plague
The Magus's father died of this
What is the Aracthus
This river destroys the temple
What is the sky god's thunderbolts
The original Eugenides is famous for stealing these
What is tell on Ambiades after he ties Gen's hands too tight
Gen wants to do this because he is angry, but Pol talks him out of it
What is uneducated
The Magus believes that his retelling of the myths are more accurate than Gen's because Gen learned them from someone who is this
What is Hephestia, the great goddess
The Queen of Attolia dresses like her
What is the dystopia
A barren area created by a volcanic eruption
What is a sweetheart
Gen says he can't serve the Queen of Attolia as her thief because he has this
What is to unite against the Medes
The Magus believes all three countries need this
Steals their jewelry and dedicates it to Eugenides
Gen's acquaintances learn to treat Gen with respect, because if they don't, he does this: