Characters Acts Quotes
Miranda is Prospero's daughter who eventually get's engaged to Ferdinand
Define Miranda's role in the play
What happens in Act I?
Shipwreck from storm caused by Prospero, Ariel separated men on ship into three groups: Trinculo and Stephano, Crew, Master and Boatswain, and everyone else. Ariel brings Ferdinand to Prospero and Ferdinand falls in love with Miranda
All the devils have left hell and come here
"Hell is empty and all the devils are here."
Gonzalo is a lord of Alonso and helped Propero and Miranda get to the island safely when exiled from country.
Who is Gonzalo
What happened in Act II?
Alonso and company admire the island, Alonso grieves over the “loss” of Ferdinand. Ariel joins group invisibly, playing music that makes everyone but Sebastian and Antonio fall asleep. Sebastian convinces Antonio to kill Alonso but as he’s about to bring
Now that I have seen this I know anything is possible
"Now I will believe that there are unicorns..."
Antonio is Prospero’s brother who overtook Prospero and became the duke, banning Prospero and Miranda from the country.
Who is Antonio?
What happened in Act III?
Ferdinand and Miranda make plans to get married. Ariel finds Stephano, Caliban and Trincluo and captures them. Back with Alonso, Prospero creates a banquet. Right as the men are about to eat, Ariel appears as a harpy from hell and clapping his wings makes
Your story is so amazing it would make deaf people hear
"Your tale, sir, would cure deafness/"
The witch Sycorax was banned from her home and sent to the island in exile. There she gave birth to Caliban and later died. When Prospero first came to the island he took in Caliban as his own, but when Caliban attemped to rape Miranda, Prospero made him
What is Caliban's WHOLE story?
What happened in Act IV?
Prospero gives Ferdinand and Miranda his blessing and warns Ferdinand not to break Mrianda’s virgin-knot before the wedding night, he then calls Ariel and the spirits to put on a play for Miranda and Ferdinand. Prospero suddenly sends the spirits away, re
Dreams are made from out lives, yet our lives are filled with sleep
"We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep."
Prospero sends for Alonso his company who are in a trance and then changes into the clothes he came to the island in. When he wakes up the men from the ship, he gets his dukedom back and renounces magic for the rest of his life.
What is the most important thing Prospero does in Act V?
What happened in Act V?
Prospero sends Ariel to bring Alonso and company, while Ariel is gone Prospero reveals to audience that he will perform his last magical task and then renounce magic forever. When the group arrives, Prospero talks to them while they’re in a trance, then c
He is thinking really had and soon he will use his wits against us.
"Watch out he's winding the watch of his wit, by and by it wills strike."

The Tempest

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