Earth and the Sun | Seasons | Earth's Moon | Eclipses & Tides | 1st Semester Review |
What is an orbit?
The path an object follows at it moves around another object.
What is a solstice?
The two days in which Earth's rotation axis is the most toward or away from the Sun.
What is the near side?
This side of the Moon is always facing Earth.
What is the penumbra?
The lighter part of the shadow where light is partially blocked.
What is the crust?
You would expect to find the least dense materials in this main layer of Earth.
What is a revolution?
The motion of one object around another object.
What is the spring?
The March equinox begins this season.
What is the Earth's gravitational pull?
The Moon's revolution around Earth is produced by this.
What is a solar eclipse?
This type of eclipse can only occur during a new moon phase.
What is biochemical?
This type of sedimentary rock forms form organisms or the remains of organisms.
What is the Sun's gravitational pull on Earth?
This produces the Earth's revolution around the Sun.
What is the summer?
Daylight hours are the longest during this season.
What is the Sun?
The reason we see the Moon is because it reflects light from this.
What is the Moon's gravitational pull?
This is the primary cause for the rise and fall of Earth's oceans twice a day.
What is streak?
The mark left on a porcelain plate from a mineral.
What is Earth's rotation?
This causes the Sun's apparent motion across the sky.
What is January?
Earth is closest to the Sun during this month.
What are the waning phases?
During these phases, less of the Moon's near side is lit each night.
What is a partial lunar eclipse?
This type of eclipse occurs when part of the Moon passes through the Earth's umbra.
What is seafloor spreading?
This theory explains the constant movement of Earth's crust.
What is the Sun?
The nearest star to Earth.
What is the June solstice?
The Sun is highest in the sky on this day each year.
What is the new moon phase?
An observer on Earth can't see this moon phase because the Moon is directly between Earth and the Sun, and only the unlit side is facing Earth.
What is the spring tide?
The tidal range is the greatest during this tide.
What are S-waves?
These types of waves only travel through solids.