Authority in the Church | The Crusades and the Renaissance | Church History | The Pope | Ecumenism |
The passing on of authority from Christ to the Apostles down to the Bishops of today
What is Apostolic Succession?
What is an example of this? |
Win back the Holy Land
Stop Muslim Invasion's Restore Unity in the Church
Why did Pope Urban II call for the crusade?
Christianity spread rapidly among non Christians - was a challenge to the Roman way of life.
Why did the Romans persecute the early Christians
He is a successor to St. Peter
Why does the Pope have authority in the Church?
Of the whole world:
To seek unity among all Christians
Define Ecumenism giving both the contextual and literal definition:
Teaching office of the Church - Bishops and the Pope?
What is the role of the Magisterium? Who makes up the magisterium? Why is it important that we have a magisterium?
Many men died of plague
Depend the divide among Christians Jews were attacked
What were some of the negative aspects of the Crusades
Why is martyrdom the seed of the faith
Head of the Church
Has specific authority
What is the Pope considered to be and to have based off the following quotations:
"You are Peter and upon this rock I will build by Church" "I will give you the keys to the Kingdom" |
A split in the Church due to lack of conformance to Church hierarchy
Define Schism
The Bible - no also Sacred Tradition
What makes up Sacred Scripture? Is it all that makes up the deposit of faith?
Total poverty and reliance on God - he got the Sultan to agree to allow the Franciscans into Jerusalem
Why did St. Francis serve as a witness of true Christian faith? What did he accomplish that the armies of the Crusades could not?
The denial of a Christian truth after baptism
Denied Christs divinity If Christ was not divine - are we truly saved? - Can we be baptized in His name? Does the Trinity still exist?
What is heresy?
What was the Arian heresy and why was it so dangerous to Christianity? |
Orthodox denied the Popes right to be able to add to/change the creed
Why is Papal supremacy at the heart of the Great Schism
A Christian community that has maintained apostolic succession
What is the definition of a Church
What is the passing on of oral and written teachings regarding the faith
Define Sacred Tradition
total repudiation of the faith
What is apostasy?
- Pope was free to govern the Church
-The Church of the east grew apart from the Church of the west - the Empire of the West was weakened and invaded.
Explain how Constantine moving the imperial capital from Rome to Constantinople both positively and negatively affected the Church?
What is
Why do we study other faiths if the Catholic Church contains the truth of Christ?
Yes, they have maintained Apostolic Succession and have valid Sacraments
Are the Orthodox a true Church
Where Peter is so too is the Church
- Only Church that is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
How do we know that the Catholic Church is the Church of Christ
The goodness of creation was emphasized and thus Christ's humanity was emphasized to show God's closeness to mankind.
How did Renaissance art change peoples perceptions on the relationship between God and man?
Stated that grace not the mosaic law made a person a Christian
What did the Council of Jerusalem accomplish?
The idea that the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the father and the son.
What is the filioque clause
Acceptance of a common profession of faith
Adherence to Church Authority Baptism Eucharistic Communion
What are the four formal requirements of union with the Catholic Church