Statistics | Dopamine | Hypnotic Scrolling/ Types of SM | Misc. |
What is 40% of the 85%
____ of the ____ are addicted to social media today
What is calming
This chemical is used as a _____ agent to help your body decompress
What is Hypnotic Scrolling
_____ is when you are so consumed with your device that you lose all sense of time and awareness of your surroundings
What is addicting
social media is one of the most _____ platforms on the planet
What is 5 1/2 hours
The average American has a screen time of about ____ hours per day
What is FOMO (fear of missing out)
This can create a sense of _____ and feel like you are missing something
What is Unlimited Content
Social Media platforms make it so you have _____ _____ and will never run out of things to look at
What is data
Social media platforms make money by selling your ____
What is 85%
___ of the world uses social media every day
What is Phantom Beeps Syndrom
____ is when a person thinks his or her phone is ringing or vibrating from a text message when it actually is not
What is Tik Tok
____ is targeted toward quick entertainment
What is location
Even if your turn off your ____, they are still able to find you
What is 58
People visit social media platforms about ___ times per day
What is Alcohol and smoking
This is the same chemical that is released during the consumption of ____ and _____
What is Pinterest
_____ is targeted toward creativity
What is name, phone number, social security, or address
you should never submit your ____, ____, ____, or ____
What is 14; 42%
People who were exposed before the age of ___ are ___ more likely to become addicted to social media
What is pleasure, satisfaction, and motivation?
Dopamine is responsible for allowing you to feel ____, _____ and ______
What is approval from others
One of the biggest reasons for HS is we are looking for ______ form ______
What is paying, product, product
If you are not _____ for the ______, then you are the _____