Corporations Key Terms Misc
Who is Andrew Carnegie
Founder of the biggest steel corporation
What is Stock
Certian Right of Ownership
What is the Textile Industry
Where did Industrilization in the US begin?
Who is John D. Rockefeller
Founder of the biggest oil company
What is a Corporation
A business owned by stockholders who share in it's profits but aren't personally responsible for it's debt.
Who is Adam Smith
This Man defended the idea of a free economy and wrote The Wealth of Nations
Who are stock holders
Earned high profits off of corporations
What is Capitalism
An econmoic system in which the factors of production are privatly owned and money is invested in business ventures to make a profit
What is the Abolition of Slavery and Women's Rights
These were the two main reforms during this time period
What is industrial equipment
Corporations were able to raise the large amount of capital needed to invest in this
What is Laissez Faire
The policy that allows owners of an industry and business set working conditions without interference
What is the Northeast
This part of the US experienced the most industrialgrowth in the early 1800s
What is the cost of producing goods
Giant Corporations controlled entire industries and in order to make big profits they reduced this
Who is Who is Karl Marx
Believed that the Industrial Revolution had enriched the wealthy and impoverished the poor. Introduced the world to a new a new radical type of Socialism
What is the Ameican Federation of Labor (AFL)
In 1886, several Unions joined together to form the organization that would become this

The Second Industrial Revolution

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