Chanukah | Wohlgelernter Family Trivia | Sefer Vayikra | General Torah Knowledge | Random Trivia |
What is כ׳׳ה כסלו?
The first day of Chanuka.
What is 2001/2003?
Grandma and Grandpa's apartment in the Plaza.
Who is Moshe?
The person being called in the beginning of Sefer Vayikra.
What is 248?
The number of Mitzvot Aseh.
What is Chita, Seora, Gefen, Teaina, Rimon, Zayit, Tamar?
The Shivat Haminim.
How many brachot do you say at candle lighting on the first night of Chanukah?
Three brachot.
What is 2299 Century Hill?
Grandma and Grandpa's address in LA.
What is Korban Shlamim?
A korban nedava eaten by its owners and kohanim
What is Zeraim, Moed, Nashim, Nezikin, Kadshim, and Taharos?
The Six Sidrei Mishna.
What is 2007?
The year the first iPhone was released.
What is Chodesh, Shabbat, Milah, and Limud Torah?
The mitzvoth the Yevanim prohibited.
What is a House Plan party?
Where Grandma and Grandpa met.
What is Korban Olah?
A Korban that you may bring for לאו הניתק לעשה
What is aver min hachai, birchat Hashem, gezel, gilui arayos, dayanim, hereg, avoda zara ?
The 7 Mitzvot Bnei Noach
What is 50 meters?
The length of an Olympic swimming pool.
Who are Elazar, Simon, Yochanan, Yehonasan, and Yehuda?
The five sons of Mattiyahu.
What is August 27th, 1973?
Grandma and Grandpas"s Anniversary date.
What is פר בן בקר?
Type of animal brought for חטאת כהן גדול
What is Emuna, Lo Yeheye Lecha, Yirat Hashem, Lo Sasuru, Ahavas Hashem, Ichud Hashem
The 6 Mitzvah Temidios.
What is facetious?
The word that contains every vowel in order, once.
What is the deadline to bring bikkurim?
The connection between Chanukah and the מצוות התליות בארץ ישראל in the Mishna.
Who are Noam, Pini and Golda?
Before Pesach 5782, the last time the extended Wohlgelernters were all together, these kids were not yet born.
What are - shvuat aidut, tumat mikdash ukedoshav, shvuat bitui?
Avairot one brings a Korban oleh veyored for
Yoel, Zefania, Nachum, Chabakuk, Malachi, Hoshea, Amos, Yona, Micha, Chaggai, Zecharia
The Trei Asar.
What is the fear of dogs called?
The definition of cynophobia