Immigration | Changes in Society | Economy | Presidents | Roles of Women |
What are new arrivals from a different country called?
Who defied traditional ideas of proper dress and behavior?
Borrowing money with a promise to pay back later
Warren G. Harding
Who was elected president in 1920?
What role did women originally have?
Where were the majority of immigrants from?
What's the name for the highly skilled liquor smugglers?
Henry Ford
Who developed the assembly line and standardized parts?
Calvin Coolidge
Who was elected president in 1924?
What event helped women to find jobs?
Jews and Catholics
Who were the new targets of the KKK?
Made it illegal to manufacture, transport, or sell alcohol.
Define the 18th Amendment
buying on margin
buying stocks with loans from stock brokers
Spoke about normalcy
How did Harding win his campaign?
Allowed women to vote
Describe the 19th amendment
Who are radicals that seek the destruction of the government?
Fundamentalism vs. Evolution
What was true conflict in the Scopes Trial?
October 29, 1929
What day did the stock market crash?
The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
What major act granted citizenship to Native Americans?
Nellie Tayloe Ross
Who became the nation's first woman governor?
The National Origins Act of 1924
What act set quotas on immigrants coming in from each country?
It moved people from rural to urban settings
How did urbanization effect the population?
Ford, GM, and Chrysler
What three car companies dominated in the market?
A heart attack
What did President Harding officially die from?
Gibson Girl
What painting inspired many woman to become a flapper?