Disability Awareness ADA Celebration Rights Are Rights Myths About PWDs Barrier Examples
What is false?

While it is true that many people who use wheelchairs can't walk, many can. PWDs who can walk on their own or with the aid of braces or a walker may tire easily & choose to use a wheelchair because it give them more independence.
True or False? Only people who can't walk use wheelchairs.
What is Americans with Disabilities Act?

It is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability.
ADA stands for...
What are individual rights?

These rights are often guaranteed by an official government document such as the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
These rights are required to live a free & equitable life, & can't be interfered with or denied by the government or other individuals.

a. moral rights
b. legal rights
c. fundamental rights
d. individual rights
What is false?

A person may use a wheelchair for a variety of reasons, none of which may have anything to do with a lingering illness.
True or False? All people who use wheelchairs are chronically ill or sick.
What is a physcial barrier?

Physical barriers are structural obstacles in natural or manmade environments that prevent or block mobility or access.
Steps & curbs that block a person with mobility impairment from entering a building or using a sidewalk.

a. physical barrier
b. policy barrier
c. attitudinal barrier
d. social barrier
What is true?

PWDs have said that this, more than anything, is what they want, to be included & treatd just like everyone else.
True or False? People with disabilities want very much to be treated just like everyone else.
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act or ADA?

Unfortunately, there are still many places that are difficult for people who use wheelchairs to navigate.
This act calls for public places to be accessible to people who use wheelchairs, for example.
What is true?

Responsibilities are duties/things that people should do. Responsible people understand their rights & respect the rights of others.
True or False? With our rights comes a level of responsibility that we all have to protect those rights & keep ourselves safe.
What is true?

Lip-reading skills vary among people who use them & are never entirely reliable.
True or False? Some people with hearing disabilities can read lips.
What is a communication barrier?

Communication barriers are experience by people who have disabilities that affect hearing, speaking, reading, writing &/or understanding.
Use of small print or no large-print versions of material.

a. programmatic barrier
b. communication barrier
c. social barrier
d. transportation barrier
What is a dog?

Guide & companion dogs are working & should not be disturbed. As you're getting to know a person, you can ask about the dog, & ask to be introduced.
This animal is commonly seen helping people with disabilities live their daily life.
What is 1990?

On July 26th. That was only 34 years ago.
The ADA was signed in this year.

a. 1988
b. 1990
c. 1992
d. 1995
What are disability rights?

PWDs still often face discrimination & marginalization due to prejudice, physical barriers, & institutional barriers. Some federal laws that protect their rights include the ADA, Rehabiliation Act, National Voter Registration Act, etc.
Basic human rights that include access, nondiscrimination, full participation in society, & equal opportunity.

a. individual rights
b. disability rights
c. civil rights
d. human rights
What is false?

PWDs go to school, get married, work, have families, do laundry, grocery shop, laugh, cry, pay taxes, get angry, have prejudices, vote, plan & dream like everyone else.
True or False? The lives of people with disabilities are totally different than the lives of people without disabilities.
What is an attitudinal barrier?

Attitudinal barriers are the most basic & contribute to other barriers. Today, society's understanding of disability is improving, but is still present.
People sometimes stereotype those with disabilities, assuming their quality of life is poor or that they are unhealthy because of their impairments.

a. policy barrier
b. programmatic barrier
c. attitudinal barrier
d. communiction barrier
What is true?

People can be born with a disability or the disability may come after birth, due to the result of illness, age or an accident. Statistics show that during our lifetime, 50% of people will experience a disability.
True or False? People can become disabled at any time in their lives.
Who is George H.W. Bush?

It was signed in a ceremony on the South lawn of the White House. It was the world's first comprehensive civil rights law for PWDs.
This president signed the ADA into law.

a. Jimmy Carter
b. Ronald Reagan
c. George H.W. Bush
d. Bill Clinton
What is respect of privacy, equality before the law, freedom of speech, the right to both marriage & family, the right to education, the right to health, etc.
Name 3 rights for persons with disabilities.
What is true?

Everyone can contribute to change. You can help remove barriers by advocating a barrier- free environment or speaking up when negative words or phrases are used about disability.
True or False? One person can help to eliminate the barriers confronting people with disabilities.
What is a transportation barrier?

Transportation barriers are due to a lack of adequate transportation that interferes with a person's ability to be independent & to function in society.
Public transportation may be unavailable or at inconvenient distances or locations.

a. social barrier
b. attitudinal barrier
c. physical barrier
d. transportation barrier
What is true?

Architectural barriers limit participation, productivity, & independence.
True or False? Many people with disabilities feel their real disability involves problems with the environment rather than problems with their bodies.
What is Walmart?

Walmart is no stranger to ADA complaints. In 2021, the company was ordered to pay $125 million to a former employee with Down syndrome, who was fired in 2015 because of her disability.
This well known company violated the ADA.

a. Walmart
b. Target
c. Best Buy
d. McDonald's
What is the disability rights movement?

The specific goals & demands of the movement are: accessibility & safety in transportation, architecture, & the physcial environment, equal opportunities in independent living, employment, education, & housing, & freedom from abuse, neglect, & violations of patients rights.
The movement to secure equal opportunities & equal rights for people with disabilities.

a. Civil Rights Movement
b. Disability Rights Movement
c. Womens Rights Movement
d. LGBT Rights Movement
What is false?

Anyone can have a sexual relationship by adapting the sexual activity. People with disabilities can have children naturally or through adoption. PWDs, live everyone else, are sexual beings.
True or False? Most people with disabilities cannot have sexual relationships.
What is a social barrier?

Social barriers are related to the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, learn, work & age, or social determinants of health, that can contribute to decreased functioning among PWDs.
Adults age 18 years & older with disabilities are less likely to have completed high school compared to their peers without disabilities.

a. transportation barrier
b. policy barrier
c. social barrier
d. communication barrier

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