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What is correspond?
To exchange letters with another person.
What is latitude?
The distance north or south of the equator, measured in degrees.
What is supervise?
To direct or manage activities.
What is adequate?
Enough; sufficient.
What is disrupt?
To break up the orderly course of.
What is dilapidated?
In poor condition from neglect or age.
What is loath?
Unwilling; reluctant.
What is maintain?
To keep in good condition.
What is administer?
To give out as treatment or assistance.
What is hovel?
An unpleasant, cramped, and dilapidated place to live.
What is illustrious?
Very famous; outstanding.
What is maintain?
To declare something to be true.
What is inherit?
To receive, as part of one’s physical or mental make-up, from one’s parents.
What is agitate?
To disturb or upset.
What is illiterate?
Unable to read or write.
What is incident?
Something that happens in real life or in a story; an event, often of little importance.
What is renovate?
To make like new again.
What is latitude?
Freedom from strict rules.
What is capitulate?
To give in; to surrender.
What is indifferent?
Not concerned about; not caring.
What is inherit?
To receive something from someone after that person’s death.
What is reprimand?
To scold in a harsh or formal manner.
What is supervisor?
A person who manages or directs activities.
What is citrus?
A fruit of the family that includes oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and limes.
What is menial?
Of or relating to low-level, humble work.