What niggun expresses the faith of jews throughout the generations in the final redemption?
Hu Elokeinu
What does Shamils prison cell represent?
The body is the souls prison cell
What part of the nigun Rachamana refer to the broken heart?
We will certainly be answered by G-d
Tzama lecha:What does this niggun describe?
The the powerful thirst for spirituality that one feels when finding oneself destitute—the thirst that everyone, whether scholar or layman, feels on his or her own level.
Tzama Lecha nafshi: what happens because of the obstacle?
We develop a thirst for G-dliness
Where was the nigun Stav Yapitu adopted from?
The basic melody was adapted by Ukrainian chassidimfrom peasant shepherds.
Where does the words of Ki Anu Amecha come from?
Yom Kippur davening
What is the ultimate Ahavas Yisrael?
When there are no strings attached
In the nigun of Ata Vechatanu what does the soft and tranquil tone express?
Unburdened way of life of the righteous, who live a full existence in the holy service of G‑d.
What is the focus of the nigun Hu Elokeinu?
The text not the tune.
What year was the nigun Rachamana taught?
What day of the week did the Rebbe teach Asader liseudasa?
Fill in the blank. In the place where a person's will is....
there he is found.
Why does the nigun of Ki Anu Amecha have no end?
Because the nigun is about a person repenting to Hashem and a returnee never stops his journey
Who is the 'foolish one' in Tzama Lecha Nafshi?
Our Yethzer Hara
Vehi sheamda: Which Seder night did the Rebbe teach it on?
How did the Rebbe teach vehi sheamda?
He sang it a few times until everyone caught on
In the nigun of Ata Vechatanu what does the stormy, raging tone express?
the deep feelings of remorse of the repentant one, who, returning to G‑d, stormily casts off the shackles of his previous mode of living.
When was the nigun Anim Zemiros taught?
Simchas Torah 1961
Asader liseudasa: Why is it for shabbos day?
There were already tunes for Friday night and shabbos afternoon but not shabbos day
On which niggun was Darkecha elokeinu taught?
Simchas Torah
What does this niggun teach us?
Just like Hashem overlooks our faults, so too we should also go beyond our limits.