Ralphie | Mr. and Mrs. Parker | School Days | A Glorious Feast | Sports and Characters |
What is Ol' Blue
Ralphie calls his Red Ryder BB gun this name in his daydream where he saves his family from a gang of robbers
What is watering the plant
While doing this, Mrs. Parker “accidently” breaks the lamp
What is extended deep sea diving
According the Ralphie, This is comparable to getting Randy ready for school
What is meatloaf
Ralphie’s little brother, Randy, was always a problem eater at the dinner table. This is the dish that Randy expressed that he hated
What is Victor
This is the name of the Lone Ranger’s nephew’s horse
What is Life Buoy
Not Palmolive, Ralphie gets this brand of soap for his punishment
What is Oldsmobile
Mr. Parker drives this brand of vehicle
What is a witch and jester
In Ralphie’s conspiracy of irrational prejudice against Red Ryder. His teacher and mother are dressed as these characters
What is Red Cabbage
Mrs. Parker is cooking this in a large pot that Ralphie supposedly enjoys
What is the Chicago Bears
When Mrs. Parker is telling Ralphie’s dad about the fight, she changes the subject by saying Green Bay is playing this team
Who is the Wicked Witch
Ralphie tells this character to leave him alone while standing in line to meet Santa
What is Look
Ralphie placed an advertisement about Red Ryder BB Gun in between the pages of this magazine
What is Warren G. Harding
The school Ralphie and his friends attend
What is Chop Suey Palace
The restaurant the Parkers eat Christmas dinner
What is Higbee's
This store features toy soldiers, a train set, and the famed Red Ryder, carbon action, 200 shot range model air rifle
What are grizzly bears
Ralphie says Flick saw what by the candy store
What are Great Characters in American Literature
The topic of Mr. Parker’s crossword puzzle
Who are Scut Farkus and Grover Dill
These two kids bullied Ralphie and his friends
What is duck
This is what the Parker's ended up eating at Christmas dinner
Who is Black Bart
This is the villain that would be pushing up daisies
What is B2
Ralphie sets his Little Orphan Annie decoder pin to this for his first secret message
What is 15 years
Ralphie’s mother has not had a hot meal for herself in this long
What is Yankee Doodle
This is the song written on the blackboard in Ralphie’s classroom
What is swallowed a yo-yo
In the newspaper, Ralphie’s dad mentions that some clod-hopper down in Griffin, Indiana did this
Who is Pierre Andre
This is the host for Little Orphan Annie