Minerals | The rock cycle | The earth |
Non-living, crystalline structure, formed out of nature, solid.
What are the 4 characteristics do all minerals share?
Cooling, melting, heat and pressure, compaction and cementation,and wheat hearing and erosion.
Describe 5 processes that occur in the rock cycle?
What are the 3 composition layers of the earth?
Streak, luster, cleavage and fracture, hardness, density, special properties, color.
List the 7 different test that you can do to identify minerals?
Fine grained is fast cooling magma and coarse grained is formed by slow cooling magma.
Igneous rock can be fine grained or coarse grained. Explain how their formation is different.
Lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere,outer core,inner core.
What are the 5 layers of the earth?
MOHs hardness scale measures the hardness of a mineral.
What is MOHs hardness scale?
Earths surface
Where is sedimentary rock formed?
Continental crust is thick, and oceanic crust is thin and dense.
What is the difference between continental and oceanic crust?
By scratching a mineral on the scale.
How do we use MOHs hardness scale?
Heat and pressure
What 2 things are needed to form metamorphic rock?
That at one time all the seven continents were all together and then they just drifted away. The super continent is called Pangea.
What is the theory of continental drift? And what was the super continent called?
Alfred Wegener found the same fossil on the edge of 2 separate continents
What was the fossil record?