Parts of the PEOP Model | Functions of the Model | Case Studies and Research | Sparking Change | Assessment and Techniques |
What are Person (Intrinsic factors), Environment (Extrinsic factors), Occupation, and Performance?
What are the four core parts of the PEOP Model?
What is a balance between each of the core parts of the model?
Person (Intrinsic factors), Occupation, Performance, and Environment (Extrinsic factors)
A person can reach optimal function through...
Who are Norman, Karen, and Spencer?
These three people were clients in the case studies.
What is human agency?
According to the PEOP model, in order to enhance motivation, the person must have an innate desire to explore his or her environment and demonstrate mastery within it. What term does this describe?
What is an assessment?
What is used to analyze the client’s strengths and problems in occupational performance?
What is self-fulfillment?
People have the natural drive to explore their environment and demonstrate mastery within it. People attain a sense of ____ from mastery and self identity from meaningful participation.
What is dysfunction?
This is when a person's occupational performance is limited and the person cannot perform roles due to: deficits in their abilities due to health conditions, restrictive barriers, and a lack of resources in their given environment.
What is assessing the environment, analyzing the occupation, and the individual profile of the client?
What does the PEOP model allow the OT to consider?
What is success/independence?
What should the client experience with their occupations during interventions which makes them more likely to participate in activities that provide a feeling of competency?
What is a top-down approach?
This approach requires the practitioner to collect assessment information about the physiological, physical, cognitive, neurobehavioral, and spiritual factors that may be affecting performance. The practitioner must determine with the client what he or she perceives to be the important occupational performance issues that are limiting participation and causing difficulty in carrying out tasks and roles within the daily round of occupations.
What is occupational performance?
This can be defined as the description of actions that are meaningful to an individual to care for oneself and those around them. It occurs when two aspects of the PEOP model overlap with each other. It reflects the act of doing.
What are a health condition that impedes on their ability, restrictive barriers stopping them, and a lack of resources in their environment?
A person's occupational performance may be limited due to these reasons.
Who are occupational therapists and clients?
These individuals work together to identify occupational performance issues.
What is occupational performance?
Clients are more likely to remain motivated if they consider this to be competent and meaningful.
What is the client’s perception of problems within occupational performance?
This top-down, client centered approach begins with the practitioner assessing what?
Who are Christiansen and Baum?
Which of the following theorists that worked on the PEOP model were the authors of the model? Briggs, Kielhofner, Sanderson, Christiensen, Howe, Reed, Baum, Burke, Riley, or Law? (Hint: there are two!)
What is optimal functioning?
This is when there is a balance between extrinsic and intrinsic factors.
What is changing Karen's environment to make it easier to copy notes off of the board? (answers may vary)
In what ways can the occupational therapist use the PEOP model to help Karen? (Daily Double)
What is the practitioner appropriately matching the client’s intrinsic factors, or performance enablers, with the activity or intervention demands?
Successful application of the PEOP model involves what between the practitioner and the client?
What is the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure, Occupational Self Assessment, Activity Card Sort, Interest Checklist, Role Checklist, Occupational Performance History Interview II, and an Occupational Self Assessment?
Assessments are used to analyze the client’s strengths and weaknesses in occupational performance. List four examples of assessments used in the PEOP model.
What are...
Physiological: physical health and fitness (endurance, flexibility, movement) Cognitive: Language comprehension and production, pattern recognition, task organization, reasoning, attention, and memory Spiritual: Signs, symbols, and sounds that provide meaning through objects and actions. This can contribute to a personal understanding of self and one’s place in the world. Neurobehavioral: Sensory and motor systems Psychological: Personality traits, motivational influences, and internal processes (emotional state, etc.)
One core aspect of the PEOP model is the person, or intrinsic factors. In the model, categories of intrinsic factors include physiological, cognitive, spiritual, neurobehavioral, and psychological. Name one example that influences each of these 5 given categories.
What is adequate functioning?
A person shows this when they show competency in performing meaningful occupations.
What are long term and short term physical and mental goals?
What do the occupational therapists help their clients establish?
What are...
Physical environment (built) Natural/Geographical environment Cultural environment Societal environment Social interactions Economic environment Social environment?
Environmental factors are also a major aspect of the PEOP model. Name 5 environmental factors that may alter someone’s occupational performance or the occupations they desire to regain/accomplish?
What is to appreciate the restorative benefits of occupational performance as a means to enhance the person’s ability.
What is to enhance role functioning by increasing and modeling skill development, managing multiple role participation, and clarifying role expectations from an internal and external perspective.
Intervention strategies should aim to increase occupational performance, develop life-long skills, and increase one’s sense of health and well-being. Identify and summarize one of the intervention guidelines used in the PEOP model.