Books of the Pentateuch | The Patriarchs | Jesus in the Pentateuch | Women of the Pentateuch and Beyond | Thus Saith the Lord |
What is the book of Leviticus?
This book records the laws of God given to Moses and establishes God's requirements for worship.
Who is Abraham?
God made a covent with this individual, he would become the father of many nations through his son Isaac.
What is the book of Deuteronomy?
This book speaks directly to the coming of a new Prophet similar to yet better than Moses?
Who is Eve?
This woman is the mother of all creation and the first to sin in the Garden of Eden.
Who is God?
The first four commandments have to do with Israel and their relationship with...
What is the book of Genesis?
This book is the first book of the Pentateuch that introduces us to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Who is Jacob?
God changed this person's name to Israel and he was the father of the twelve sons who would become the tribes of Israel.
What is the book of Exodus?
This book taught Israel to trust in the promises of God. God delivered Egypt from slavery, just as Christ would deliver His people from sin.
Who is Sarah?
This woman was the half-sister and wife of Abraham, and the mother of the promised son Isaac.
What are the ten plagues?
(Bonus game... 100 points for each of them that each team can name.)
God commanded Pharaoh to let His people go... When he refused, God poured out this many plagues against Egypt.
What is the book of Numbers?
This book records the census taken of Israel.
Who is Joseph?
This son of a patriarch was sold into slavery, but became second in command of Egypt, saving his entire family.
What is the book of Genesis?
This book reveals that Jesus' entrance into humanity was planned from before the beginning of time. He was to crush the head of the serpent.
Who is Miriam?
This woman is the sister of Moses and was both for and against him at different points in the Pentateuch.
What is its mother's milk?
This command from God seems a bit strange to us, requiring that a young goat not be cooked in this.
What is the book of Exodus?
This book records Israel's freedom from Egypt with the help of God.
Who is Isaac?
This son was to be sacrificed to God, but God spared Him and provided a better sacrifice.
What is the book of Leviticus?
God's explicit instructions about offerings in this book points towards the final substitutionary sacrifice of Christ.
Who is Rahab?
This woman is the first female hero mentioned after the conclusion of the Pentateuch, saving the Israelite spies, and in the genealogy of Jesus.
What is ceremonially unclean?
If you were this, you were sent outside of the camp for a specified time, but it was not equated to sinfulness.
What is the book of Deuteronomy?
This book is Moses's final declaration to the children of Israel before his death and their entrance into the promised land.
Who is Melchizedek?
This mysterious person blessed Abraham. He was not a patriarch, but a priest from whose likeness Jesus would follow.
What is the book of Numbers?
In chapter 21 of this book, the Israelite people who looked upon the serpent lifted up by Moses were healed. John describes this as a picture of the crucifixion in John 3:14.
Who is Zipporah?
This woman was the daughter of Jethro, given to Moses to be his wife.
What is blood?
This was a symbol of life in the Old Testament, thus the Israelites were not able to eat or touch it.