The Socials | The Greasers | Key Places | Facts | Who Said It |
What is the Soc named Cherry's last name?
Who is the greaser that works at the gas station?
The gas station
Where does Sodapop work?
What is the town that Jonny and Ponyboy run away to?
Cherry Vallance
"Just don't forget some of us watch the same sunset."
Who is the Soc that Jonny killed with his switchblade?
Ponyboy and Jonny
Who are the two greasers that ran into the fire to save the kids?
The abandoned lot
Where did the final rumble between the Socs and Greasers take place?
How many pages are in the book?
Bob Sheldon
"You know what a Greaser is? White trash with long hair."
Who is the Soc that did not want to fight in the final rumble?
Who is the greaser that gets shot and killed by the police?
The Old Church
Where did Dally tell Jonny and Pony to go to hide after killing bob?
12 Chapters
How many chapters do the outsiders have?
"Oh, Pony, I thought we'd lost we did Mom and Dad..."
Who is Cherry Valance's best friend?
Who is the oldest greaser of the group?
The Park
Where did Jonny kill the Soc that jumped him and Pony?
The 1960's
What time period was the Outsiders set to take place in?
Cherry Valance
"I could fall in love with Dallas Winston. I hope I never see him again."
What color car did the Socs use to jump Pony and Jonny?
Mickey Mouse
What was Sodapops horse's name?
The drive-in Movies
Where did Pony and Jonny meet Cherry and Marsha?
S.E Hilton
Who is the author of the Outsiders?
Johnny Cade
"Sixteen years ain't long enough. I wouldn't mind it so much if there wasn't so much stuff I ain't done yet and so many things I ain't seen."