The Socials | The Greasers | Key Places |
What is the name of the Soc Jonny killed?
What is the name of the greaser that got shot by the police?
Where did Pony and Jonny Meet Cherry and Marsha?
The drive-in movie
What is the Soc name Cherry's last name?
Which one of the greasers works at the gas station?
Where did Pony and Jonny get Jumped
The Park
What is the color of the car the Socs used to jump Pony and Jonny?
How did Ponyboy's parents die?
A car crash
Where did the final rumble take place?
The abandoned lot
What is the name of the Soc that cherry was with during the movies? (girl)
Who is the greaser that was said to hold the group together?
What is the building that caught on fire causing Jonny to break his back?
The church
What was the Socs name that did not want to fight in the final rumble?
Who is the oldest greaser of the group?
Where did Dally take Pony and Jonny to eat after getting them out of hiding?
The Dairy Queen