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What is an epithet?
Another name used to describe a person
Who is Zeus?
The god of thunder
Who is Odysseus?
The King of Ithaca
Who is Odysseus?
" 'We are from Troy, Achaeans, blown off course by shifting gales on the Great South Sea; homeward bound, but taking routes and ways uncommon; so the will of Zeus would have it.' "
What is an olive branch?
Used to stab out the Cyclops's eye
What is an epic poem?
The Odyssey is this kind of "book"
Who is Circe?
Turns Odysseus's men into swine
Who is Charybdis?
The monster that spews up water 3 times a day
Who is the Cyclops?
" 'Strangers,' he said, 'who are you?' "
What are Helios's cattle?
The men decide to eat these when they land on a god's island
What is hubris?
Over pride or self-confidence
Who is Hermes?
Brings Odysseus the plant Moly to protect him from Circe
Who is Polythemus?
The Cyclops whose eye is stabbed out
Who is Circe?
" 'Why sit at table mute, Odysseus? Are you mistrustful of my bread and drink?' "
What is Hades?
Where Odysseus must travel to find Tiresias
What is "Dawn spread out her fingertips of rose"?
The epithet for a new day
Who is Posiden
The earth-shaker
Who is Scylla
Six heads, twelve tentacle legs, and very sharp teeth, good for tearing.
Who is Eurylochus?
" '...Swines, wolves, and lions she will make us all, beasts of her courtyard, bound by her enchantment.' "
What is a shroud?
Is made by Penelope to kill time before choosing a suitor
Who is Homer?
The Odyssey is written by him
Who is the Wind King Aeolus?
Gave Odysseus the bag of winds
Who is Athena
The Goddess helping Odysseus throughout his journey
Who is Polites?
" 'Dear friends, no need for stealth: here's a young weaver singing a pretty song to the air a-tingle on these lawns and paven courts.' "
What is 12 ships?
Number of ships that Odysseus has when he begins his journey