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Who is Charybdis?
A whirlpool that tries to devour Odysseus's ship
Who is Calypso?
Keeps Odysseus on her island for 7 years because she falls in love with him
What is the way that Odysseus gets past the Sirens?
Odysseus' crew puts wax in ears and ties Odysseus to the mast
What is 6?
The number of heads that Scylla has
Who is Scylla?
Eats 6 men with as many heads and double as many legs
What is loyalty?
Odysseus shows this good quality by warning his men about the Sirens, but does NOT show it when not warning the men about Scylla and Charybdis
What is kill and eat Helios' cattle?
Told by Tiresias and Circe to not do the following, but his crew eventually do
What is 12?
The number of legs that Scylla has
Who is Circe?
Gives Odysseus lots of advice on how to deal with the monsters
Who is Zeus?
God that destroys Odysseus' ships as payment for what was done to Helios' cattle
What is do not fight Scylla, but go by very quickly?
The advice Circe gives for getting through the narrow pass between Scylla and Charybdis
What is 3?
The number of times that Charybdis sucks in the sea around her and vomits it back up
Who are the Sirens?
Sing men to their deaths
Who is Athena?
The goddess that is sent to Calypso to get her to let Odysseus return
What is back at Charybdis?
This is where Odysseus escapes from after his ship is destroyed and crew is killed by Zeus, but before he ends up on Calypso's island
What is 1?
The number of people who survived the shipwreck caused by Zeus' lightning bolt
Who is Helios?
The immortal cattle belong to this character
What is helpless?
The feeling that holds Odysseus back from fighting Scylla
What is Thrinacia?
Proper name for the island where Helios keeps his cattle
What is 350?
The number of cattle that Helios keeps on Thrinacia