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How many symbols were in the Mayan numeral system?
What color did the Mayans paint their sacrifices
Where were the Mayans located
Drinking chocolate
What did drink did the Mayans make
To not touch the ball with your hands and get it in the ring
What was the goal in the Mayan ball game?
Corn, beans, squash, cassava
What did the Maya grow
What was the symbol that represented five
They would get sacrificed
What would happen to the winners in the Mayan ball game according to theories?
What was the shape of Mayan temples
1 line and two dots
how many lines and dots would there be in the number seven?
Who was the rain god?
Over 2000 years
How long did the Mayan empire last
Mythological stories and rituals
What did Mayan pottery represent?
On top of the pyramid-shaped temples
Where would the Mayans perform sacrifices?
What was the Mayan Ball game called?