Within the Walls | Numbers | The Nazi's Actions | Making Lodz Something New |
Barbed wire and wooden fences.
What was the ghetto surrounded by?
About 5,000.
How many Gypsies were brought over to the ghetto from Burgenland?
Did the Nazis believe that moving the Jews to one area of Lodz would make their administrative work easier?
Yes, and that caused them to become very dependant on the Nazi's food and essential supplies.
Were the Jews forced to use their own currency?
Starvation, disease and colds.
Name the three most common ways to die in the ghetto.
About 164,000.
What was the initial amount of Jews in the ghetto?
They would beat, rob, and invade their property.
Name three ways the Nazis harassed the Jews when they first arrived in Lodz.
B, Litzmannstadt, because a German general with that last name attempted to take over Lodz in World War I but failed.
What was Lodz renamed after the Nazis took power?
a) Hitler b) Litzmannstadt c) Himmler d) Danziger |
Yes, there were 47 schools for children to ensure they had an education.
Were there schools in the ghetto?
About 43,500.
Estimate how many people in the ghetto died from starvation or disease.
The Nazi's rise to power.
What does the Third Reich mark?
Yes, it lasted until 1944, while all the others remained until 1943 or 1942.
Was Lodz the last ghetto to remain standing?
12 hours.
How many hours did adults work in factories each day?
About 7,000.
After the liquidation of the ghetto, how many people from the ghetto were taken to death camps?
Yes, they had a police system to keep the Jews from sneaking out.
Did the Lodz Ghetto, unlike the Warsaw Ghetto, have a police system surrounding it?
March 1, 1940.
On what date were the Jews of Lodz forced to live in the restricted areas, now called ghettos?
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Luxemburg and Germany.
Name four countries that Jews were brought from to live in the ghetto.
How many people from the Lodz Ghetto survived?
October 1, 1940.
At what date did the Nazis hope the Jews would be out of the ghetto by?
Old City and Baulty Quarter.
On February 8, 1940 an order was passed that all Jews were to be moved to two parts of Lodz. What two parts of the city were they being forced to?