True or False | Character's Names | Story | Quotes | Wait |
What is True
Tommy is Younger than Joel
Who is Riley
What Is The Name Of Ellie's Best Friend ?
What is Boston
What City Does The Story Start At?
What is endure and survive...
What Is Ellie's Motto
What Is Joel REAL Last Name?
What is False
Marlene And Robert Are Married
What is Miller
According to The Japanese Manual What is Joel and His Daughter's Last Name?
What is the Quarantine Zone
What Is The Name of Zone where people were taken to?
What is Everything happens for a reason.
What Is David's Motto
What bitch wont die?
What is False
Joel's Daughter's name is Maria
Who Are Fireflies
What Group Does Marlene Lead?
What is Medicine
What Does Ellie Trade Her Deer For?
What is "I believe his last words to me were "I don't ever want to see your goddamn face again"
What are believed to Tommy Last Words To Joel
the world may never know or he is a rapist
Why Does David do what he does?
What is False
No Characters Have Their Last Names Revealed
Who is Callus
What Is The Name Of The Horse That Joel And Ellie Has?
What is Locking Her To A Pole With Handcuffs
What Does Bill do Upon Meeting Ellie?
What is"You're lucky you're still drawing breath! That was plan A, B, all the way to fucking Z!"
What Does Bill Say When He Doesn't Have A Plan
Welcome to Grounded
Why Does Swinging waste a hit?
What is False
Ellie Says F**k Over 100 times Excluding optional Dialogue
Who is Ethan
What Is The Name Of David's Partner?
What is Joel's Machete
What Does Ellie Kill David With
What is "Good. Now get the fuck out of my town."
What are Bill's last words to Joel
A Clicker
who is the original bitch that wont die?