Mountians | Plains | Water | Vegetation | Natural resorces |
What mountains has the the highest point in Russia?
One million square miles
How many miles is the West Siberian Plain?
Black sea
What sea is very warm?
40 million acres a year
How much does Russia's forests shrink yearly?
Russia holds large deposits of what element?
What mountain range is the traditional bounderies of European Russia and Asian Russia?
North European Plain
What plain covers most of European Russia?
Amur river
What river borders between Russia and China?
How much of the world's remaning forests is in Russia?
What type of fish is now being illegally fished for that provides the eggs for the delecancy caviar?
Central Siberian Plateau
Caucasus mountains mark the southeastern edge of what plateau?
What part of the North European Plain is very flat and swampy?
Lake Baikal
What lake contains 20% of the earth's total supply of freshwater?
Wheat, rye, oats, barley, & sugar beets
What types of food is grown with the chernozem soil?
Aluminum, gemstones, platinum group metals, sulfur, and tungsten
Name at least two of the five elements Russia is put in the top three producers of?
Kamchatka peninsula
What peninsula has 100 volcanoes?
What part of the North European Plain has very rich black soil known as chernozem?
Hydroelectric power
What type of power does the Voga river provide?
What is the permanently frozen layer of soil beneth the surface of the ground called?
What natural resorce does Russia provide 16% of the world's reserves?
Urals & Caucasus mountain ranges
What are the names of the two major mountain ranges in Russia?
What percent of Russians live on the North European Plain?
23,400 miles
How many miles is Russia's coastline?
The Black Earth Belt
What is the fertile band called that covers about 250 million acres?
Dry natural gas
What type of gas does Russia produce more of than any other country in the world?