Toi Romon | Dating | The Married Life | Engaged | Dion Kameron |
Toi has a bag of these every time you see him
What is a bag of pistachios?
What is the date Toi asked Dion to be his girlfriend?
What is November 19, 2010?
What date did Toi and Dion get married?
What is February 22, 2019
Where did we get engaged?
What is Barbados?
What is Dion's go-to dinner?
What is boiled crawfish?
What are the three foods Toi sings about but only eats two of?
What are chicken, beans, and rice?
Where was Toi & Dion's first trip out of town?
What is Mississippi?
What song did we sing together after we got married?
What is Mo City Don?
How long had we been together before we got engaged?
What is nine years?
What would Dion rather do than be working?
What is traveling?
What is the song that Toi made up, that the kids always want him to make them?
What is sausage & tomattttttta?
Who made the first move?
Who is Dion?
Who said I love you first?
Who is Toi?
Who knew first that Toi and Dion were engaged?
Who is Nika and Joe?
What is Dion's dream car?
What is 1964 Chevrolet Impala?
What is Toi's go-to alcoholic beverage?
What is Bombay and Lemonade?
What are the two things Toi and Dion did the most?
What are the bowling alley and the movies?
What is Dion's nickname for Toi?
What is Pous?
Who goes to sleep first?
Who is Toi?
What is Dion's favorite thing to do in the park?
What is draw?
What is the video game that Toi plays the most?
What is Call of Duty?
What New York slang almost ended the relationship before it started?
What is " You tight?"
What is Toi's nickname for Dion?
What is B.A.E.?
Who is the last to wake up?
Who is Dion?
Who is Dion's favorite musical artist?
Who is Drake?
Who is Erykah Badu? Who is Amy Winehouse? Who is Parliment? |