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What is the Hydrologic cycle?
The process by which water is continuously exchanged between earth's various water sources.
What is precipitation?
The process in the hydrologic cycle that is responsible for making glaciers.
What is table salt?
Scientists call this substance sodium chloride.
What are ice shelves?
The ends of glaciers that float in the ocean.
What is calving?
The process of large chunks of ice breaking off a glacier.
What is distillation?
Evaporation and condensation of a mixture to separate out the mixture's individual components
What are evaporation and transpiration?
The processes by which water predominantly gets into the atmoshphere,
What is salinity?
A measure of the mass of dissolved salt in a given mass of water.
What is groundwater?
The largest source of liquid freshwater on the planet.
What is 90%?
The amount of an iceberg that exists below the surface of the water.
What is percolation?
The process by which water moves downward in the soil, toward the water table.
What are evaporation and condensation?
The two hydrologic cycle processes that are responsible for the formation of clouds from water in the ocean.
What is 71%?
Percentage of the earth covered by water including oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks and streams
What is a river?
The residence time is the shortest here.
What is cloud condensation nuclei?
Something a cloud needs to be formed.
What is the water table?
The line between the water-saturated soil and the soil that is not saturated with water.
What is the atmosphere?
The water source a molecule of water ends up in once it has gone through transpiration.
What is the oceans?
Vast majority of the earth's water supply is contained here.
What is sea ice?
This is the result of ocean water freezing.
What is the water table?
The depth of this changes based on how much water is available.
What is a Adiabatic cooling?
The cooling of a gas that happens when the gas expands with no way of getting more energy.
What is Adiabatic cooling?
The cause of the temperature change that allows for condensation which makes most clouds?
What tells us that the earth is significantly younger than a few million years old?
The salinity of the oceans tells us this.
What are glaciers?
Where icebergs come from.
What is increase in temperature?
The temperature result if a sample of gas is compressed and nothing else is allowed to change.