The Heart | Muscles | Brain | Lungs | Blood |
60-100 bpm (beats per minute)
What is the average rate of a heart when the body is relaxed?
What is the main muscle that allows you to move your arm?
The left side
What side of the brain controls the right side of the body?
The respiratory system
What system of the body are the lungs a part of?
White blood cells
What are the blood cells that fight infection called?
How many chambers does the heart normally have?
What is the main muscle in the back of your thigh called?
The cerebellum
What part is the main part of the brain?
Oxygen and carbon dioxide
When you breathe, what does the body take in and what does it give off?
Red blood cells
What are blood cells that carry oxygen to the body called?
What is the name of the tube that takes blood from the heart to the rest of the body?
What happens to a muscle when it is not used?
The meninges
What is the outer surface of the brain called?
What is it called when the bronchi are infected with a virus?
What is cancer of the white blood cell system called?
What is the heart rate called when it is too fast?
What is it called when a muscle gets bigger?
The occipital lobe
What part of the brain controls vision?
The trachea
What part of the respiratory system splits into bronchi?
What is the most common blood type?
The right ventricle
What is the name of the chamber that pumps blood to the lungs?
What is the smallest muscle that controls a bone in the ear?
The brain stem
What part of the brain joins the spinal cord to the upper part of the brain?
The alveoli
What part of the lungs is involved with the exchange of gases?
What is it called when someone bleeds to death?