Before the Holocaust | During the Holocaust | After The Holocaust/ Why it happened | Random facts |
Holocaust comes from Greek words
Where does the word Holocaust come from?
March 17th, 1942
When did the first mass gassing start?
Hitler committed suicide
A week before Germans final surrender what did Hitler do?
Invaded neighboring countries
Hitler wanted to make Germany bigger so he did what?
"Holos" meaning whole and "Kaustos” means burned
What does Holocaust mean?
Camp Belzec
Where did the first gassing take place
They couldn't live in the areas he controlled
What is a law that discriminated against Jews
The summer and fall of 1942
When did the heaviest deportations take place?
Roman authorities
Who destroyed the Jewish temple in Jerusalem?
As many as 12,000 Jews
During the summer of of 1944 how many of Hungary's Jews where killed each day?
Go to school, keep pets, or have a bicycle
Some laws said that some Jewish kids could not do what?
More than 3,000
In 1942 how many people where deported in the summer and fall from the Warsaw ghetto alone?
Forced Jews to leave Palestine
Where did Hitler force Jews to leave from?
"The Final Solution"
What did Hitler call the Holocaust
What year did the British force the ship Exodus to take Holocaust survivors back to Germany?
Pressure was increased on allied powers to create a homeland for Jewish survivors. Leading them to create what country?
When did Hitler become head of state?
August 1941
When did Officials gas 500 POWs?
4,500 survivors
How many survivors were on board the Exodus when it was on its way to Germany?
What year did Israel become a country?