Women & Children | Trench Warfare | Battles |
What is the Women's War Act?
What allowed women to vote.
What is No Mans land?
The area between two rival trenches.
What is 1917?
The year in which the battle of Vim Ridge occurred.
What is nurses and ambulance drivers?
What women volunteered as overseas.
What is the Ross Rifle?
The gun not fit for trench warfare.
What is buying thrift stamps?
How children financially supported the war.
What is the animal found in the trenches and what did they do?
Large rats, they ate apart the dead men.
What is the government introduce immunization programs?
How high infant death rates from disease and malnutrition was stopped.
What is barbed wire, mines, mud, weapons and bodies?
3 things soldiers had to overcome when crossing no mans land.
What is ammunition factories, bus and street car drivers, worked in banks, on police forces, and continued working on farms?
What women worked as at home.
What is trend foot, dysentery, body lice, shell shock, rats and waterlogged trenches?
Five things that could affect you in the trenches.