Important People/Groups | Battles & Conflicts | Key Terms | Various Topics | Bonus |
the peasants
Which was the largest social group included in the 3rd Estate?
The storming of the Bastille
The attack on a Paris prison by angry citizens was called
Type of French government before the revolution
Made up 97 percent of the French Population
Income that goes directly to the church
Napoleon Bonaparte
The dictator of France after the French Revolution
Czar Alexander's decision to continue to trade with England
Napoleon invaded Russia due to
National Assembly
What was formed by members locked out of the Estates-General?
Group of moderates in the National Assembly
Fish Ladies
Who stormed Louis XVI home in Versailles?
King Louis XVI
Who was the King of France during the French Revolution?
The Reign of Terror
What event was marked by mass executions?
Policy of calling up male townspeople into military service
What European country had Napoleon not conquered by 1812?
1% and 10%
What was the percentage of the First Estate and how much land did they own?
Members of the political group wanting extreme change were called
Women Demanding Bread
What event prompted the royal family to move from Versailles to Paris?
Tennis Court Oath
This oath was made by angry members of the Third Estate
Napoleon took power by overthrowing the
Workers, Artisans, merchants,
Who were the Sans- Culottes?
Who's execution marked the end of the Reign of Terror?
Battle of Waterloo
What battle marked the end of Napoleons reign as Emperor?
Continental System
Plan that didn't allow trade with Britain
What group was not covered in the Declaration of Rights of Man?
Both had a penis problem
What did King Louis XVI and Napoleon Bonaparte have in Common?