The Nine Core Values Interpersonal Skills Self-Management Skills Goal-Setting Skills Resilience Skills
What is Honesty?
Golf is unique because of this in that PLAYers call penalties on themselves and report their own score.
What is A-L-R?
The acronym that helps you when you are building relationships with others (ask the other person questions, listen to what they say, respond to their answers)
What is Be Patient, Be Positive, and Ask for Help?
The Three Tips for Having Fun that help PLAYers control their attitudes and emotions.
What is a Dream?
A story we tell ourselves that are fun, make us feel better, and tell us what we really want in life.
What is Perseverance?
PLAYers use this to continue through bad breaks and to try their best regardless of how they are playing.
What is Judgment?
This comes into play when deciding on strategy and club selection, as well as when making healthy choices on and off the course.
What are the Five Steps for Meeting Someone New? (Meeting and Greeting)
Face the other person, smile/look them in the eye, give a firm handshake, state your name clearly and loudly, and if you need information ask a question.
What is Replay, Relax, Ready, Redo?
An acronym known as the 4 R's that teaches players to deal with their emotions in challenging situations on and off the golf course.
What is a Set a Goal that is Specific?
A Guideline for Reachable Goals that requires goals to you to say exactly what the goal is so you can measure it and know when you have reached it.
What is Stop, Think, Anticipate, Respond?
The acronym STAR that helps you make good decisions when faced with challenges.
What is Respect for Self, Respect for Others, and Respect for Surroundings?
The First Tee Code of Conduct.
What is an open-ended question?
A type of question that gets the other person talking - the best type of question to use when trying to build a relationship with someone new.
What is Personal Par?
A measure of how you perform in golf, at home, or in school.
What is Set a Goal that is Important to You?
A Guideline for Reachable Goals that motivates us to work hard to reach it and feel proud when we do reach it.
What is Body, Mind, and Heart?
The three parts of "Wellness" that help you play better golf and improve other areas of your life.
What is Confidence?
PLAYers have this when they identify something they are doing well regardless of the outcome and maintain a positive attitude.
What is a Go-To Team?
A support network that provides you with positive reinforcement, help solving problems, a listening ear, and information.
What is a Goal Ladder?
A plan for reaching your goal.
What is Setting Goals that are Under Your Control?
A goal that follows this Guideline is attainable only because of the actions of the goal-seeker.
What is STAR?
PLAYers use this acronym as a framework for developing a pre-shot routine
What is Integrity?
When PLAYers have this, they are responsible for their actions on and off the course at all times - even when others may not be looking.
What is a Go-To Person?
A PLAYer that others can go to for help, that helps in the community, and gives advice and support to peers.
What is Go play, And explore, My interests, Enjoy what's fun for me?
The acronym GAME that helps you explore new things and add to your interests in golf and life.
What is Set a Goal that is Positive?
A goal that follows this Guideline will be stated in such a way that will make it easier for you to achieve it.
What is Communicate, Actively Listen, Review Options, and End with a Win-Win Solution?
The acronym CARE that helps you resolve conflicts.

The First Tee of Aiken - The Nine Core Values and Life Skills Review

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