"LOST" in Space | New from Space | Animals in the Lab | Alien Abduction | We Will Believe Anything |
What is Lost in Space
This was a TV show about the exploits of a family name Robinson.
What is Russian
This is the language used to name most of the craters on their side of the Moon.
What is the 3Rs
Animal experimentation and human education share this 2 character, alpha-numeric expression.
What is Unidentified Flying Object.
What does UFO stand for?
What is 0 (zero)
Nationwide, groups have been complaining about the US government seizing guns. To date, how many guns have the US government seized? Closest group get the points.
What is Lost
This was about the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815.
What is Europa
NASA has started to prepare a mission to this moon of Jupiter, in search for life.
What is ALF (Animal Liberation Front)
This 3 letter organization is known to raid labs where animals are used, and liberate them. This group is also listed as a domestic terrorist organization.
What are Grays.
One of the most common identified alien are tall and slender and are called this, the color of their skin.
What is Texas
In the news lately, there are claims that the military exercise Jade Helm 15 is a cover for the takeover of this state.
What is the Lost Colony
This was established in 1587 on Roanoke Island.
What is Pluto
New Frontiers is a space probe that is nearing this target.
What is PETA
This 4 letter organization seeks the ethical treatment of animals, sees pet ownership as just a form of slavery and is trying to stop it.
What is Flying Saucer.
Kenneth Arnold in 1947 saw some UFO's the local newspaper misquoted him, creating this common name for an alien space ship.
What is India
This country has the largest percentage of people believing in aliens on Earth.
What is Lost Planet
This game follows a number of protagonists on E.D.N III.
What is Dawn
This space probe has reached the closest of th dwarf planets, located in the asteroid belt.
What is Fruit Fly
This is the most common animal used in genetic studies.
What is 95%
Jenny Randles, a UFO investigator, says what percentage of UFO sightings have conventional solutions (airplanes, venus, reflections...)
What is ISIS
A US representative to Congress has stated that this organization has located a terrorist training center in Texas.
What is lost space
Help! My 8GB SD card is only showing 113MB! Sound familiar? You can use Diskpart to recover this on your SD Disk.
What is a star (Sun)
A satellite was just launched to test solar sails, a form of spacecraft propulsion using the radiation pressure from where
What is Ebola
Once the outbreak of this disease was under control the One Blood Bank from New York abandoned chimpanzees still in their cages and without food.
What is the Moon
George Adamski, a hamburger stand manager, was one of the first abductees. He described large white peaked mountains and large cities on this body.
What is Ebola
Organic activists have called for the use of vitamins C and D to cure this disease instead of science based treatments.