Sarah Jacob Gabrielle Willow Emmy
What is August
We know how proud they are now, but it was not to long ago this miracle occurred. Sarah got their driver's license in this month
What is Parker
This common alias of Jacob’s is not only Willows worst enemy, but also his middle name
Who is Gabrielle Ocean Fleury
Gabrielle’s full government name, in French. Also her Instagram username
Who is Willow Marie Zboray AND Balzthizar Zboray
we know the unique first and last but can they name the middle AND the name they were almost named
What is Yotuber
Though they are a current Disney show star, Emmys first dream job was this
What is stage managing and micing
With around 840 service hours, their loyalty and dedication to this class is un-matched, but do we know Sarah's main tech positions
What is Les Misérables
Though he cannot tell you how Cole Porters "Anything Goes" is sung, he's still a theater kid at heart. Jacob’s favorite musical is this
Who is Maurice
The name of the dead bird currently lying on her desk from her art final last year
Who is Pinkie Pie
the final surviving chicken willow owned who managed through all the forces that picked away the others and ironically got sent to live on a farm
What is the walking dead game the final season
Emmy had to pause this zombie game for three months because they felt guilty about a choice
Who are Brian, Tyler, Jenny, Jesse, and Larry?
We've heard about a couple, but can you name the rest of Sarah's cousins and siblings
Who are The Sacramento Kings
This sports team is Jacob’s favorite, though they haven’t made the playoffs in 16 years
Celeste: flowers, salad, or beans
Grizou: sweet potato, melon, or chickpeas
A known fact about her is her love for cats. But do we know one of her cats’ favorite human foods
What is 4
how many encounters has willow had with rattlesnakes
Who is Chesnaught
Emmy named this Pokemon after their friends oc in the second grade
What is dropping and falling on a beer bottle
A story I don't think many in this group know but give it a shot anyway. How Sarah got this scar on their right wrist
What is current astronaut
A shirt that never arrived, and a phrase that stuck. This motto has become associated with Jacob: Former president,
Who is UPS guy from Legally Blonde
Which fictional character does Gabrielle find to be “yummy?”
Who is Linguini
In the knockoff Italian play in the sixth grade willow donned the worlds worst accent to play which orphan from the mountains
What is unmarked van
Emmys first job had them hurled into that back of this vehicle
What is Lexapro, escitalopram, 15 grams
Sarah's prescription for depression meds
What is The bowers bulldogs
This is the name of the baseball and basketball team Jacob played on during elementary and middle school
What is 29
how many coats, jackets, blazers, and sweaters does she have, total?
Answer will go to the closest guess
What is emetophobia aka immense fear of vomit/vomiting
What is the phobia willow has had since middle school
What is the skin on their eye
Emmy had this part of their face scraped off in a hoola-hoop accident in the second grade

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