Bible Verses | Bible Characters | Hymns | Story Facts |
What is Acts 13:38, 39,
“Therefore, my friends, I want you
to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.” |
Who is Barnabas
The Church of Jerusalem sent him to Antioch
What is Hymn 369 Bringing in the Sheaves
Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness
What is because of the persecution that broke out
when Stephen was killed
This is why they were scattered
What is Acts 13:49
“The word of the Lord spread through the
whole region” |
Who is Saul
Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for him
What is Hymn 373 Seeking the Lost
Going afar upon the mountain
Bringing the wanderer back again |
What is one year
This is how long Barnabas and Saul met with
the church and taught great numbers of people |
What is Acts 13:38, 39
“Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus
the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses” |
Who is Paul
He sailed to Perga in Pamphylia
What is Hymn 359 Hark the Voice of Jesus Calling
If you cannot speak like Angels
If you cannot preach like Paul You can tell the love of Jesus You can say He died for all |
What is almost the whole City
This is who came to hear Barnabas and Saul the next Sabbath