Continental Relief | Ocean Floor Relief | Rock Deformation | Igneous Rocks | Metamorphic Rocks and The Rock Cycle |
The surface geological features of the Earth
What is topography?
False. The topography of the ocean floor is pretty uneven.
True or false: The ocean floor is mostly flat and even.
Folds and faults
What are two things that stress on rocks can produce?
They are formed when magma solidifies.
How are igneous rocks formed?
They are formed inside the Earth's crust.
Where are metamorphic rocks formed?
Rain, wind, ice
What are two examples of Earth's external forces?
Ocean ridges
What are large underwater elevations in the central part of an ocean called?
Compression, tension and shear
Name 3 types of stresses that can cause deformation in rocks
Intrusive or plutonic igneous rocks
What type of igneous rocks is formed when magma solidifies slowly inside the Earth's crust?
False! The pressure is also very high.
True or False: Metamorphism takes place deep inside the Earth where the temperatures are very high and the pressure on the rocks is low.
They move the plates and create geological structures.
What do the Earth's internal forces do?
The Mariana Trench
Can you name one famous deep ocean trench?
Your drawing should be a U shape
Draw the shape of a syncline fold
What is one example of an intrusive or plutonic igneous rock?
What is one example of an intrusive or plutonic igneous rock?
It produces changes in the appearance, texture and the types of minerals in the rocks.
What are three things that metamorphism produces changes in in rocks?
Mountain ranges are formed when two tectonic plates collide. The plates are under a lot of pressure and causes the sediments to fold and form mountains.
Explain in your own words how mountain ranges are formed.
Oceanic trenches
What are deep depressions in the ocean floor called?
A fault is a fracture in a rock caused by a displacement of the two volumes of rock on both sides of it
Explain in your own words what a fault is
They are formed when magma cools down very quickly as it reaches the Earth's surface in the form of lava.
Explain how an extrusive or volcanic rock forms
Cracks in the Earth where magma rises, ocean basins where sediments are sinking
What is one place where metamorphism takes place?
They're frequent because mountains are formed when two tectonic plates meet.
Explain why earthquakes and volcanoes are frequent in mountainous regions
Continental shelves
What are the parts of a continent that are covered by the sea called?
A fold is a bend in the ground caused when plastic materials are compressed
Explain in your own words what a fold is
Yes, it is formed by magma that cools down very quickly. No, it doesn't have crystals.
Is pumice formed by magma that cools down quickly or slowly? Does it have crystals?
External forces like weather, the energy of rivers and seas AND the movement of the tectonic plates
What are two things responsible for changes in rocks during the rock cycle?