Anatomy and Structures Diseases and Disorders Parts of digestion Enzymes Organs and glands
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus.
What is included in the alimentary canal (8)?
What is it called when you have excess fat, generally over 20% for men and over 20% for women?
What is mastication?
a substance that acts as a catalyst in living organisms, regulating the rate at which chemical reactions proceed without itself being altered in the process.
What are enzymes?
A group of glands found under and behind the tongue and beneath the jaw that releases saliva continually as well as in response to the thought, sight, smell, or presence of food.
What are salivary glands?
The first 14 inches of the small intestine, where the majority of chemical digestion occurs, secretions from pancreas and gallbladder flow into here.
What is Inflammation of the appendix, caused by obstruction to opening of appendix by mass stricture or infection?
99.5% water, 0.5% includes bicarbonate ions, mucin, and salivary amylase
What is the composition of saliva?
An organ that stores bile and releases it as needed into the small intestine.
What is the gall bladder and where does it release?
Fundus, body, and pylorus.
What are the 3 parts of the stomach?
Chronic condition, commonly causes cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation, does not cause changes in the tissues of the intestine.
What is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and what are the characteristics of this condition?
Mixing waves in the stomach and it Mixes food in the stomach with gastric secretions to form chyme.
What is maceration and what does it do?
secreted by goblet cells in the stomach; thick and sticky, helps protect inner lining of the stomach
What is mucus and where is it secreted?
it contains a mass of white blood cells that contribute to immunity.
What function does the appendix serve?
Appendix, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anus
Name the parts of the large intestine in order.
Chronic liver disease. Destruction of liver cells followed by scarring, high mortality.
What is cirrhosis and what are the characteristics?
Localized contractions in small intestine to mix food with digestive juices, brings the chyme in contact with the mucosa for absorption
What is segmentation and what being absorbed?
secreted by parietal cells in stomach, provide the acidic environment needed to activate enzymes in the stomach
What is hydrochloric acid, where is it secreted, and what does it activate?
1st: acinar cells produce digestive enzymes which are delivered to the small intestine (exocrine), also bicarbonate ions to increase the pH of chyme, 2nd: islet cells secrete insulin into the bloodstream to help regulate blood glucose levels (endocrine).
What is the pancreas and what two roles does it have?
?They are organs that provide enzymes, hormones and fluids to break down food. Teeth, salivary glands, pancreas, gallbladder, and liver.
What are the accessory structures and where are they located and what do they do(5)
A chronic autoimmune disorder, results in destruction of villi in small intestine when gluten is eaten, makes it hard for the body to absorb nutrients.
What is celiac disease?
Wave-like smooth muscle contractions of the muscularis layer which propel food and wastes along the alimentary canal.
What is peristalsis?
Activated for of the enzyme pepsinogen which is secreted by the chief cells in the stomach and activated by hydrochloric acid, helps digest proteins
What is pepsin and where is it secreted and activated?
Your digestive system can sense when you are feeling stressed and may produce these excess acids
Why may your stomach produce excessive amounts of acids?

The Digestive System

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