Introduction | Political Developments in England | The Bubonic Plague | The Hundred Years’ War | Joan of Arc |
What is the meaning of magna carta
Great Charter
What was one of Henry ll legal reform
jury formally accuse a person of a serious crime
What is another name for the bubonic plague
The Black Death
What two countries fought in the Hundred Years' War
England and France
Who was Joan of Arc
She was a teenage girl who helped the prince become King
Who is Thomas Becket
He was an archbishop of Canterbury
What was one of the things on the Constitutions of Clarendon,
Among them was the right to try clergy accused of serious crimes in royal courts, rather than in Church courts.
How did the plague Spread
Through Trade routes and silk roads
What is one reason the English won many early battles of the Hundred Years' War
They used the longbow
Why was Joan of Arc important
Because she led the French army to victory
Why was Thomas Becket killed
He was killed because he didn't like Henry's rule that church officials should rule, He thought Church and state should stay separate
What is the Constitutions of Clarendon,
a document that he said spelled out the king's traditional rights.
Where did the plague originated in
Central Asia
Why did castles become less useful by the end of the middle ages
Because it offered little protection because armies used cannons to blast holes in their wall
Which development in the Hundred Years' War was partly a response to Joan of Arc
France won because of her help
What year did England and France fight in the Hundred year's war
1337 through 1453
What is the meaning of magna carta
Magna Carta was an agreement between the nobles and the monarch.
How much of the population die
One third
How did the hundred Years' War affect the importance of knights on the battlefield
The effectiveness of knights were reduced by the English longbow, Which could pierce through their armor
Why was she burned
Because people thought she as a heretic
What was the disease called
The bubonic plague
What King made the Model Parliament
King Edward l
How long did the people live after they got the plague
A few days
In both England and France, the hundred Years' War caused a rise in
In national pride and identity
25 years later what did the church make her
A saint