The Garden | Creation of Man | Days of Creation (1-3) | Days of Creation (4-7) | Random |
How many branches did the river in Eden have?
What part of the man's body was the woman made from?
The spirit of God
What hovered over the water in the beginning?
Living creatures
What did God create on the fifth day?
What does the word Genesis mean?
Where is the garden of Eden located? (NSEW)
What did God make man out of?
What was created on the first day?
God blessed the seventh day (of rest) and made it __?
What was God's most wonderful creation?
Tigris and Euphrates
What two rivers are still standing today?
“It is not good that man should be _____”
Sun and moon
What were the greater and lesser lights that God created?
God made everything according to its ____?
What did God say would happen to Adam if he ate the fruit from the tree?
Life, and knowledge of good and evil
What two trees were in the garden?
Adam "man"
Who gave names to all of the creatures of the world?
Form, void
“In the beginning the earth was without ____ and ____”
What did God always say after he was done with a day? It was ___?
Be fruitful and multiply
What was God’s command to the creatures of the Earth?
Work, Keep
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to ___ it and ___ it.”
bones, bones
“This at last is ____ of my ___”
Earth, sea, plants/trees
What was created on the third day?
What day were livestock and humans created?
He made them in his image
How did God create people different from everything else?