The Origins of the Cold War The Early Cold War Years The Cold War and American Society Eisenhower's Cold War Policies Cold War Trivia
What is the Yalta Conference
In February 1945, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill held a meeting dicussing the plans for the postwar world at this conference.
What is the Long Telegram
A 5,540-worded message that explained the views of diplomat George Kenan on the Soviets and the Cold War.
What is censure
Formal disapproval
What is brinkmanship
wllingness to go to the brink of ear to force the other side to back down
What is fallout
radiation left over after a blast
What is The Cold War
Lasting from 1946 to 1990, this was an era of confrontation and competition between the Soviet Union and the United States.
What is containment
The act of restraining growth or influence of another country, especially a hostile nation.
What is the loyalty review program
Nine days after the Truman Doctrine was announced, the president established this program to screen all federal employees
What is developing nations
nations with primarliy agricultural economies
What is NATO
The organization involving 12 different countries: America, Canada, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Portugal, the Netherlands, Norway, Luxemburg, and Iceland.
What are the satellite nations
Communist countries in Eastern Europe gained this nickname for being controlled by the Soviets, much like planets in orbit.
What is the Marshall Plan
Secretary of State, George C. Marshall, proposed this recovery program that would give the European nations American aid to rebuild their economies.
What is the Red Scare
The 'promoting' and spreading of fear of the rise of Communism
What is massive retailiation
strategy of military counterattack using nuclear weapons
Who is Stalin
"This war is not as in the past"..."Whoever occupies a territoy also imposes his own social cannot be otherwise"
What is Potsdam (Conference)
In this city near Berlin, tensions between the Soviets and the Americans become higher as an outcome of the meeting between Truman and Stalin to discuss the deals on Germany.
What is limited war
A war fought to acchieve a limited ojective like containing communism.
What is the McCarran Act
Also called the Internal Security Act,this was made in fight of communism's spread Senator Pat McCarran offered an act that made it illegal to combine or conspire to others in any way which would contribute to comminusm
What is Sputnik
After the launch of this, Khrushchev said, "We will bury capitalism..your grandchildren will live under communism."
What is perjury
lying under oath
What is SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
The United States signed an agreement of defense with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, the Philipines, and Australia. This organization was made in 1954.
What is subversion
The effort to weaken a society secretly and overthrow its government
What is military- industrial complex
In leaving office, Eisenhower warned to be aware of the influence of this on democracy. He notice a relationship that had developed between military establishment and defense industry.
Who is Eisenhower
"More Bang for the Buck"

The Cold War Begins

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