Effects | People | Strategies | Slavery | Reconstruction |
Women stepped into the workforce and were brought into the public sphere
How did the Civil war change the lives of women?
The president elected in 1860 who preserved the Union and brought about emancipation
Who was Abraham Lincoln?
Railroads made for easier transport and the introduction of the rifle changed the nature of combat.
How was technology vital to the war effort?
They saw the outbreak of fighting as heralding the long-awaited end of bondage.
Why did slaves want to fight in the civil war?
When the unions occupied the Sea Islands enabling blacks to work for wages.
What was the Sea Island Experiment?
Religion helped Americans to cope with unprecedented mass death.
Why did Lincoln use religion to generate public support?
President of the American National Red Cross and advocate of women suffrage
Who was Clara Barton?
Manufacturing, railroad mileage, and financial resources
What were some of the Union's advantages?
An executive order signed by Lincoln which declared slaves in Confederate-held territories to be free.
What was the Emancipation Proclamation?
A bill proposed which guaranteed blacks equality before the law but not the right to vote.
What was the Wade-Davis Bill
They experienced the war as a time of prosperity
How did the war effect the North's economy?
The architect of early success in the west who led the union armies to victory against the Confederacy
Who was Ulysses S. Grant
Occasional thrusts into the North to weaken their resolve and lead them to abandon the conflict
What was the Confederacy's defensive strategy?
It would weaken the South's ability to sustain war.
Why did northerners think that emancipation was necessary?
Regulation for plantation labor was established and emancipated slaves had divided land.
How did the Civil War effect the West?
To promote economic growth
Why did Congress adopt policies such as the Homestead Act and the Land-Grant College Act?
An army engineer who assumed command of the Union army of the Potomac
Who was George McClellan?
POW camps and disease
What modern warfare was used during the wartime?
It had become a political and military necessity.
What was Lincoln's decision about Emancipation?
That it saved the leading experiment in democracy and vindicated free labor principles.
How did English workers see the war?
The growing power of the federal government challenged traditional notions of local autonomy and draft riots
How did the war heighten existing social tensions throughout the North?
The President of the Confederate states of America and the Confederate nation became more centralized under his rule
Who was Jefferson Davis and how did he contribute to the confederate nation?
They were both unprepared to feed and supply the armies
Why was mobilizing resources so hard for both sides of the war?
They were able to work for wages, acquire an education, and enjoy more humane conditions.
What happened to black families after the civil war?
It hastened the transformation of free labor , small shops, and independent farmers into an industrial giant.
How did the Civil War lay the foundation for modern America?